( photo credit by the lovely Brittny Debonis at 10baretoes )
Those beautiful ladies in the photo are Alexis and Carol, the ones who introduced me to this powerful cold-pressed tonic. These two are best friends and model what it is to be brave, courageous women that know how to love you so much it hurts! Wherever you are in life, seek out women who know how to pursue Jesus and learn everything you can from them. From these two I have learned to love my Man better, to pursue my dreams harder, and to take care of myself ( and that’s just the start!).
xo- Bethany

This tonic is made from cold pressed ginger and lemon, with the optional addition of fresh turmeric. I juice a large jar and store it in my fridge, for use throughout the week.
Lemon is a cleanser, Ginger and Turmeric Root are both anti-inflamatory and really good for your immune and digestive systems. Pretty sweet deal to be getting all of that in one sip huh?!
Dilute this with water! It’s powerful! Several times per day, I like to add an inch to my water. It’s also really refreshing with sparkling water , or added into Iced Tea ( as you see in the picture.). You might enjoy adding a drop or two of Stevia too if you like it sweet.
Peel everything before juicing!

If you don’t have a juicer, smile at your neighbor and borrow hers, or go into your local juice shop and ask them to juice this up for you.

6 Organic Lemons
6 inches of fresh Ginger Root
2-3 inches of fresh Turmeric Root
Peel everything and juice it! Store in an airtight jar in the fridge for up to 1 week. Dilute with still or sparkling water, ice tea, or anything else you think it sounds good in!